Pastor Ethel Fallen Guy came to LHUMC in July 2011,
after having been provisionally commissioned toward the Office of Elder in The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church in May 2011. Before coming to Linwood, she served as a Licensed Local Pastor at Allington UMC in Bucks County. A life-long United Methodist, she has served in every capacity at the local church level from Council on Ministries Chairperson to the Board of Trustees and Mission/Outreach and Nurture ministries. She has been a lay preacher since the age of seventeen. While living in West Virginia and attending Christ Church United Methodist she served as youth leader, conducted curriculum development workshops for local churches, and wrote lesson materials for local church schools. She loves to teach and lead seminars. She attended The Ohio State University and holds a B.Sc. in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Charleston, WV; a M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry from St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia; and a Master of Divinity from Palmer Seminary, also in Philadelphia. For twenty-five years she was a chemist, quality assurance specialist, and laboratory manager for several area chemical and refining firms, and she was employed by the international consulting firm FIT Technologies as an expert in ISO 9000, 14000, and 17025 Quality Assurance Standards. She was a Certified Quality Systems Auditor and Quality Systems Engineer. In that position she conducted systems optimization evaluations for various companies across North America. She also has an undergraduate minor in drama and for many years was active in Philadelphia area theaters as an actress and costume designer. She was the managing editor of STAGE Theater Monthly for a number of years when it was published as a printed monthly mailer. She left her position as Laboratory Optimization Manager for the Northeast Technical Division of Sunoco in August 2006 in order to pursue a life-long dream of attending Seminary. During her time at Palmer Seminary she served as Assistant to the Chaplain at Philadelphia Park Racetrack where she worked with the Chaplain in ministry to the migrant and transient workers who lived year-round on the backside of the track and cared for the horses that were stabled there. She completed certification in Clinical Pastoral Education at Christiana Hospital in Wilmington, DE, with a specialization in trauma ministry; this experience led her to pursue a Certified Addiction Counselor program through Villanova University. She now serves as spiritual advisor to several local addiction support groups and community outreach programs. In addition to her full- time ministry at LHUMC she serves as Chaplain to the Lower Chichester Fire Company and is active with the Delaware County Chaplains' Corps. On May 17, 2013, she was ordained as Elder in Full Connection by Bishop Peggy Johnson, Bishop of Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church, during the EPA Annual Conference in Oaks, PA. She has three grown, married children; John (married to Anna Magennis’s), Jennifer (married to Dean Brewster) and Jason, (married to Rebecca Riley). They have blessed her with a total of seven grandchildren